Monday, March 16, 2009

As You Like It LRJ #5

Ryan Readinger

English 10 IB


Ms. Peifer

As You like It LRJ #5

Act Five is probably the most exciting act out of them all, and probably the most active too. Almost all the characters are seen on-stage in this act, and most of them are heard from. The ending is great with everybody finding love in some way or another. Duke Senior doesnt necessarily find love, but he comes across it with his daughter Rosalind and Orlando.

In Act Five, most of the action takes place in the Forest of Arden, where Duke Senior resides as an exile of his brothers court. It takes about half of the act to get to a scene that he is in. In Scene Four, he is talking with Orlando about his upcoming wedding to the Dukes daughter Rosalind.

Duke Senior in Act Five wants his daughter to get married to Orlando. That's pretty much his goal, which would also be the same as Orlando and Rosalind. He achieves this goal by making sure the festivities will go on, and by giving his word to Ganymede that he will give his daughter to be married to Orlando.

Duke Seniors relationships in this act are pretty much the same as they have been for most of the time. His relationship with his brother that hates him doesn't change at all throughout the play, and he stays friendly with almost everybody else. He invites the marriages of the different couples at the end of Act Five, so that makes him a loving and loveable guy.

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