Monday, March 16, 2009

As You Like It LRJ #4

Ryan Readinger

English 10 IB


Ms. Peifer

As You Like It LRJ #4

As in Act Three, Duke Senior does not appear on-stage in Act Four. He is mentioned about in a scene, but not explicitly. Even though he doesn't appear much on stage, he does have an important role overall in the plot for As You Like It. He is still in the Forest of Arden, enjoying himself as he always does. He doesn't play that key of a role in the mix of things in Act Four, but his existence is important enough for him to be significant throughout the play. He still controls his band of merry men, and in one scene in Act Four, Jaques and other lords are bringing back a deer for the band to eat."Let's present him[the deer] to the/ Duke like a Roman conqueror."(3-4,4.3). That shows that the men are still loyal to him and still pay respect to him. Duke Senior still plays a role of authority even though he is in exile in a strange forest.

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