Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beowulf LRJ #3

The values in this section of the tale of Beowulf are still pride, strength and keeping your name immortalized. Although, in this section, there is also the value of dying a acceptable death and dying a heroic death, which Beowulf does. Beowulf knows his death is upon him, but he wanted to slay the dragon before he died. He does this and thats what makes his death heroic. A proper death is highly valued in Anglo-Saxon culture. The text continues to talk about Beowulfs strength and his will power which were constantly praised by his men.
This section is different from the others because of the premise of Beowulfs death. In the other stories it was always about Beowulf winning the battles and going on to boast about his victories, but in this passage it was about him slaying his final enemy but dying in the process. This section also focuses more on Beowulfs stuggles with his enemys instead of Beowulfs victories over them.
Beowulfs death was an honorable one because he died doing an honorable deed and he died in battle which was considered an honorable death. His end was that of a heros because he killed the monster that was tormenting the citizens of his land, and the people knew him as a great hero by doing that.

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